Delivering independence.

Open letter to the community from Meals on Wheels Executive Director Margie VerHagen

ROCKWALL COUNTY, TX (July 6, 2021) If you have an elderly neighbor, friend or family member, you can play a vital role in making life easier for them by reaching out to Meals on Wheels Senior Services. MOWSS can literally mean the difference between someone remaining in their own home, or needing to relocate to a nursing facility. The nutritious meals, friendly visits and safety checks that MOWSS provides helps seniors cope with three of the biggest threats of aging: hunger, isolation, and loss of independence. Research proves that when seniors have the right support, they gain greater quality of life, need fewer hospital stays, and live longer.

Currently MOWSS needs to raise extra funds because the demand for senior services continues to grow as the aging population increases.

The Carl C. Anderson, Sr. and Marie Jo Anderson Charitable Foundation recently awarded MOWSS a Challenge Grant of up to $30,000. The community’s ongoing support for our organization enhances the quality of services we provide, making immediate impacts in the lives of homebound seniors. Through the Challenge Grant, that support will be doubled!

In addition, once the $30,000 has been matched, BTA Self Storage of Rockwall has generously agreed to contribute an additional $15,000 to be matched! These proceeds will go directly to our nutrition program to help fund the cost of meals.

But MOWSS needs your help. All donations are tax deductible and very much needed and appreciated by our elders who rely on our support. Donations can be made online at, brought to MOWSS office located at 4398 Highway 276, Rockwall, TX 75032 (the office building located next door to BTA Storage), or mailed to PO Box 910, Rockwall, TX 75087 / 972-771-9514.

~ Margie VerHagen, Executive Director, Meals on Wheels Senior Services of Rockwall County

o: 972.771.9514 | c: 214.405.8522

office: 4396 Hwy 276 | Rockwall, TX 75032

mailing: PO BOX 910 Rockwall, TX 75087